italk2learn member presenting project at conference

iTalk2Learn crosses the European borders

What’s behind the correct evaluation of Machine Learning based sequencers? The iTalk2Learn consortium has recently been discussing the correct evaluation of Machine Learning based sequencers. Such evaluation requires large data availability, large-scale experiments and consideration of different evaluation measures. Such constraints make the construction of ad-hoc Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) unfeasible and impose early integration in already existing…

iTalk2Learn intelligence platform

What is behind iTalk2Learn intelligence?

The aim of WP2 is to provide the iTalk2learn platform with intelligence that can guide students to maths mastery. But how can we make a machine intelligent? In order to answer the question, ‘how can we make a machine intelligent?’, we must first divide the problem into sub-problems. In the iTalk2Learn project, each sub-problem corresponds to a different component of the…

Feedback from Multimodal Interactions in Learning Management Systems

iTalk2Learn partner, University of Hildesheim, organised a Workshop on Feedback from Multimodal Interactions in Learning Management Systems at the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining A workshop on Feedback from Multimodal Interactions in Learning Management Systems took place at the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining in London on 4th July. The workshop was organised by iTalk2Learn partner, University of Hildesheim.…