Corpora creation

In an earlier blog post, iTalk2Learn partner, Sail, talked about the statistical nature of the two models which are employed for automatic speech recognition: The acoustic model The language model These models need to be trained on a so-called ‘corpus’ before they can be used in the recognition process. In this blog post, we’ll hear more from Sail…

Automatic speech recognition in the context of iTalk2Learn

Speech recognition is crucial for adapting to each child’s individual performance in iTalk2Learn. So what does it mean and how does it work? SAIL LABS Technology (Sail) is an Austrian SME providing automatic speech recognition (ASR) support within the iTalk2Learn platform. This blog post is the first one in a series of posts over the duration…

5 reasons why educators should get excited about iTalk2Learn

At Whizz Education (Whizz), we aim to provide a learning journey that is tailored to each child’s individual needs, regardless of their background, age or ability. We see the potential to make this vision a reality through the iTalk2Learn project, and we believe every educator should pay close attention to the innovations of this project.…