What’s going on behind the scenes?

A summary of the Genoa meeting   Italian partner Testaluna hosted the third project meeting of the Y3 in the vibrant city of Genoa (Italy) on 10th and 11th September. Through a number of and lively breakout and plenary sessions, the members of the Consortium updated each other on many activities ongoing. More in details,…

An update on the improvement of Fractions Lab

During the past months Testaluna have been working to enhance Fractions Lab, the Exploratory Learning Environment developed in the framework of the WP3. As for the past, the improvement of Fractions Lab has not been straightforward, but implied to measure feedback and requirements gathered from partners, teachers and students. The results of this joint work –…

Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics

Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics Objectives, achievements and challenges Work Package 3 has a rather ambitious objective: The design and development of innovative and intuitive interaction interfaces for Elementary Mathematics, including voice and direct manipulation user interfaces. The achievement of this objective results through the following steps: Provision of speech production and voice recognition…