Fractions Lab video

New Fractions Lab video!

If you haven’t already discovered Fractions Lab – the Exploratory Learning Environment developed in the framework of the iTalk2Learn project – here is a teaser to present its characteristics, functionalities and strengths. Enjoy the video!

Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics

Intuitive Interaction Interfaces for Elementary Mathematics Objectives, achievements and challenges Work Package 3 has a rather ambitious objective: The design and development of innovative and intuitive interaction interfaces for Elementary Mathematics, including voice and direct manipulation user interfaces. The achievement of this objective results through the following steps: Provision of speech production and voice recognition…

Fractions Misconceptions and Thinking-in-Change: Samuel and the Equivalent Fractions

Fractions Misconceptions and Thinking-in-Change: Samuel and the Equivalent Fractions Misconceptions are a bi-product of children developing their own connections as they experience mathematics in school and in the world around them (Hansen, 2012, 2014). In the iTalk2Learn project we are designing tasks and task-dependent support for the exploratory learning environment, Fractions Lab (see WP3 news…

Fractions Lab

Testing Fractions Lab with German students

At the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, we’ve had a very exciting couple of weeks. We’ve taken Fractions Lab into German schools for the first time! Given the differences we had discovered between students in Germany and students in the UK when working with Fractions Tutor, we were very curious to see how German students’ react to this new state…

Trying Fractions Labs

Fractions Lab from the Student’s Perspective

You’ve heard why the iTalk2Learn Consortium think Fractions Lab is so exciting and now it’s time to hear what the students think… The Institute of Education has been trialling Fractions Lab in schools throughout the UK. In this blog post, one of the teachers at Moorside Primary School tells us how the trial impacted upon students in his class.  …